by Mick Mines | April 23, 2018 | Advocacy
60 and DONE Last Wednesday was the final legislative day of the 105th Legislature, 2nd Session. After dispatching with 25 Final Reading bills, a pat on the rump from Governor Rickets, and eight sayonara speeches (several way too boring) by outgoing senators (6...
by Mick Mines | April 17, 2018 | Advocacy
Danger! Wednesday, April 18, marks Day 60, the final day of this “longest” short legislative session since the Nebraska Unicameral first convened in 1937. Virtually every bill of consequence was filibustered, requiring 33 votes to advance. Many could not...
by Mick Mines | April 9, 2018 | Advocacy
Compromise? Friday was Day 56 (of 60). It was 3:30 pm when Speaker, Jim Scheer, stepped to his microphone. The fourth tax relief bill offered this year had just been blocked by yet another filibuster. The fifth, and final, tax relief bill seems destined for the same...
by Mick Mines | March 28, 2018 | Advocacy
Iron Eyes This characterization of Iron Eyes Cody (Keep America Beautiful) sums-up the emotions of those who paid attention to floor debate last week. There was sincere partisanship, a genuine adversity for compromise and rules abuse by senators of every persuasion....
by Mick Mines | March 19, 2018 | Advocacy
R’s & D’s Last Monday, senators were briefed on the proposed second year of the $8.8 billion biennial budget, as drafted by the 9-member Appropriations Committee. Tuesday, the three budget bills opened on General File, so the remaining 40 senators might...
by Mick Mines | March 12, 2018 | Advocacy
The Nutty Professor Good news for all Nebraskans! The 60th and final legislative day is April 18. The Speaker might adjourn the kids on April 11 (Day 59) if they play nice and do their chores. This week, senators will begin debate on mid-term adjustments to the...