Creating Solutions Together


Priorities This week, the Judiciary Committee will close out their final public hearings of the session while Speaker Hilgers continues to prep the kids for full-day floor debate. A large majority of bills remain in committees. This week sets up perfectly for...

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, February 28, 2021

Flush with Cash Our state economic prognosticators met last week. It seems their “wet index finger in the air” formula worked. State tax revenue will be higher than they predicted only four months ago. $462 million higher in fiscal years 20/21 ($204M),...

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, February 21, 2021

Forecast This Monday, the Legislature will stand in recess. It’s a four-day workweek! Come to think of it; every week is now a four-day workweek. If you believe that state senators have a cozy gig, you’re sadly mistaken. During the legislative session,...

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, February 14, 2021

Scuffle Committees of the Legislature are still grinding through all-day hearings on every one of those 684 legislative concoctions. The Judiciary and Revenue Committees are always the busiest. Tuesday morning, Speaker Hilgers will interrupt committee hearings for a...

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, February, 7, 2021

Whiners The State COVID plan moved from blue to green. Yes, green is a more environmentally sensitive color choice. In virus circles, green means the maximum indoor warm body count jumps from 75% of capacity to 100%. Local Health Departments must bless gatherings of...