Creating Solutions Together



LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, January 30, 2022

We're Number...17 "Never give in - never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small...never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." Winston Churchill. Methinkst, the Prime Minister, speaketh of State Senator Steve Halloran. Halloran, a...

Second Annual Cornhole Tournament Winners

Second Annual Cornhole Tournament Winners

Our 2nd Annual Exposition Cornhole Tournament was conducted at the 2022 Nebraska Agri-Business Exposition on January 25, 2022. Our Winners are Peyton Grote and Pat Miller both from Gavilon Fertilizer, Omaha, NE! Way to go guys! Trophies, medals, and $100 prize each!

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, January 17, 2021

"Short Session" The Legislature convened Wednesday for their 60-day "short" session. Barriers-O-Plexiglass are gone, and senators actually take meetings in their offices. But for visitor restrictions in the legislative chamber, all's right in our world. Short sessions...