by Mick Mines | January 26, 2020 | Advocacy
Committee Hearings Thursday was Day 10 of the session, marking the end of new bill introductions. Unofficially, 487 new gems are now in the book. On Tuesday, Legislative Committees began their public hearings on all new bills. Floor debate tomorrow morning has...
by Mick Mines | January 19, 2020 | Advocacy
Meh Last week, the Legislature debated General File bills from 2019. New bills introduced this session have yet to receive public hearings, so the Speaker stoked the fire with last year’s kindling. Some bills advanced to Select File, and some did not. For those...
by Mick Mines | January 12, 2020 | Advocacy
60-Day Session Begins We smiled at the kids last Wednesday, the first day of this short session. All 49 state senators were dressed in their best Sunday-go-to-meet’n. They were giddy awaiting the opening bell. It rang, and the kids began dropping new bills...
by Mick Mines | June 5, 2019 | Advocacy
That’s All Folks! Before adjourning the session, Speaker Scheer reminded senators of their accomplishments…and their failures. Senators held public hearings on every darned one of the 739 bills and seven constitutional amendments that were introduced. Many...
by Mick Mines | May 28, 2019 | Advocacy
Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Senators will return for two days (Thursday and Friday) to wrap-up this long legislative session. They will dispense with a few gubernatorial line-item vetos; vote on a handful of laggard bills on Final Reading, and suffer an hour of pomp...
by Mick Mines | May 20, 2019 | Advocacy
Veto That? Speaker Scheer delivered a not unwelcome message last week. This Friday, the kids can gather up their toys and go home, a whole week early. UNLESS….the Governor nixes any bills that come to his desk this week. And he will. In that case, playtime is...