Performance Objectives

Nebraska CCA Performance Objectives
Just as the International Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) Performance Objectives outline the knowledge and skill areas that advisers need in order to effectively meet their duties and responsibilities on the general scheme, the Nebraska CCA Performance Objectives have been developed to indicate the knowledge and skills needed to perform well in Nebraska’s climate and cropping systems. These performance objectives are the heart of the CCA Program. They are used as the framework for test construction and the basis for continuing education programs. The Nebraska Certified Crop Advisers Board provides oversight and direction to the Committee for Exam and Continuing Education. The Board ensures that the Nebraska CCA Performance Objectives are reviewed and revised in a timely manner.
These performance objectives are dynamic. They are upgraded as needed, particularly as the technology of the crop production industry evolves. The upgrading is done by the Exam and Continuing Education Committee, which is a standing committee for the Nebraska Certified Crop Adviser Board. The upgrading process ensures that the CCA program will remain viable and useful, and that the program recognizes the high level of competency needed by individuals, who will advise producers now and in the future. The Nebraska CCA Performance Objectives, as outlined in this document, delineate the knowledge and skills that are considered important for certified crop advisers working in Nebraska. Expertise in these areas is expected. All questions on the Nebraska CCA Exam are based on the Nebraska CCA Performance Objectives. Certified crop advisers must also demonstrate their expertise in International CCA Performance Objectives. The International CCA Exam questions are based on the International CCA Performance Objectives.
Since the International and Nebraska Performance Objectives are developed over the materials that Certified Crop Advisers need to know, It is apparent that they are the basis for the entire CCA program. The first step for persons interested in becoming a certified crop adviser is adequately mastering the material covered in the Performance Objectives, so one can pass the CCA exams (i.e. International and Nebraska). All the questions on both exams are based directly on these Performance Objectives.
The Performance Objectives serve as the guide for CCA continuing education, which is the backbone of the CCA program. Once certified, the CCA must participate in continuing education programs. These programs ensure that the CCA maintains or increases their proficiency, and maintains the integrity of the CCA program. Certified Crop Advisers should use these Performance Objectives to identify areas where they need to strengthen their proficiency.
ICCA Performance Objectives
Throughout history, a nation’s success has been directly related to the success of its agriculture. Today, with approximately 2% of the population engaged in production agriculture, the margin for error is small, and the effects of mismanagement extend well beyond the farm gate to all segments of society. Producers rely heavily on the advice of others. The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) Program came into existence to insure that growers receive sound advice and recommendations.
The CCA program is built on the concept that there are certain things one must know in order to provide sound advice to producers. This is determined by asking a wide array of agriculturists involved in all aspects of crop production to tell us what a Certified Crop Adviser must know. We use this information to create the Competency Areas and Performance Objectives that follow. Every other year two of the four modules are extensively reviewed and updated by a committee representing both the public and private sector from across the U.S. and Canada. The revised modules are then reviewed by Certified Crop Advisers who provide input on relative importance of the Performance Objectives, and on areas that need to be added or deleted. By mastering the Performance Objectives, one will possess the knowledge that the agricultural industry has deemed important for a Crop Adviser to know.
These Performance Objectives are dynamic, and are upgraded as the needs of the crop production industry evolve. This ensures that the CCA program will remain a viable and useful tool which recognizes the high level of competence displayed by those who choose to earn this designation.
ICCA Performance Objectives The performance objectives list all of the potential subject matter areas that the exam could cover. It is designed to help guide your study and continuing education.