Kudos to Dan Stork, Planning Committee Chairman and his committee for planning a very successful summer convention held in York, Nebraska for the first time! We were so pleased to have some great educational tours to the Pioneer Research Facility and the amazing York High School FFA program. Thank you to our informative speakers Kellie Bray with CropLife, Senators Curt Friesen and Mark Kolterman and Angel Velitchkov from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. And, everyone thoroughly enjoyed our Tuesday evening dinner speaker, Matt Davison from the UNL Athletic Department.

Matt Davison

Kellie Bray

Senator Curt Friesen

Senator Mark Kolterman

Angel Velitchkov
Congratulations to the sports tourney winners!

The winning golf team was Mike Heins, Rachel Hurley and Phil Kozera

Sporting Clays Winner Josh Meier
Can’t wait to start planning the 2019 Summer Convention!