A question arose late last week regarding the need for mixers and loaders to take the dicamba applicator training in Nebraska. Our state law and regulations classifies mixers and loaders of any RUP as handlers, in order to be consistent with the federal WPS rule. Because of that, we have always required mixers and loaders to have the same basic training as applicators, and have amended our website and other documents to make sure our local industry knows they need to also get their handlers to dicamba training. We believe there is a critical need for all handlers to understand the importance of cross contamination of any equipment that might be used for dicamba, which include tender trucks and blend plants. We have a number of facilities that traditionally blend hot loads, and while I’ve not talked to all of them, I do see some nods in the audience when I ask folks if they intend to do so in 2018.
Tim Creger
Pesticide/Fertilizer Program Manager | ANIMAL & PLANT HEALTH PROTECTION
Nebraska Department of Agriculture
OFFICE 402-471-6882
[email protected]
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