RUP dicamba labels now require 20 different records be kept for each application
The first 9 are the standard USDA/EPA requirements for many years:
- Product Name
- EPA Registration Number
- Total amount applied to the field
- Date of application (M/D/Y)
- Location of application (legals, Lat/Lon, etc.)
- Crop name (Xtend soybeans, NOT just “soybeans”)
- Size of area treated (in acres)
- Name of certified applicator
- Applicator certification license number
Additional records:
- Proof of dicamba-specific training (NDA website works)
- Receipt/s of purchase of RUP dicamba used
- Product label (does not have to be on your person at time of application)
- Buffer distance maintained
- Evidence of susceptible crops nearby (date this review was conducted)
- Start and finish time of application (include a.m. or p.m.)
- PRE or POST emergence application, and if POST, how many days after planting
- Air temperature at boom height at both start and stop times
Wind speed and direction at boom height at start and stop time
- Nozzles used and spray pressure (include nozzle maker name)
- Tank mix partners, including all non-pesticide products. If other pesticides are included, records must show EPA Reg. Nos. for all of them
Spray system cleanout procedure. At a minimum, records must indicate spray system was clean before application was made, what cleanout procedure was used, and the date of the cleanout.
NDA will allow cleanout procedure to be recorded as a checklist.
If equipment is used for many identical applications, complete cleanout would not be needed between fields.
Additional Nebraska Requirements
- Nebraska Pesticide Act and Pesticide Regulations require RUP application and sales record be kept for 3 years
- Dealers do not have to verify if purchaser has dicamba training, only that they, or the eventual applicator, has a current pesticide applicator license
- It is the responsibility of the dicamba applicator to ensure they have taken dicamba-specific training before their first use of RUP dicamba
- NDA has placed no additional restrictions on dicamba use on soybeans as other states have (cutoff dates, even tighter daylight hours, generic dicamba special labeling, etc.)
NDA Response for 2018
- Any calls from the public should be forwarded to the Pesticide Program at 402-471-2351
- Complaints should be sent to the same number
- NDA has a website for dicamba information posted on the main page under Featured Programs