Creating Solutions Together

Honorable Jerry Johnson, Chairman
Nebraska Legislature Agriculture Committee
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509

Dear Chairman Johnson and Members of the Agriculture Committee:

The Nebraska Agri-Business Association is proud to support legislative resolution LR378CA, Senator Kuehn’s Right to Farm Amendment. Protecting agriculture is critical to Nebraska’s largest industry, and vital to the future of our state.

Our members are agricultural fertilizer and/or chemical manufacturers, wholesalers, sales representatives, retailers, equipment material manufacturers, purveyors of associated goods and services, scientific members and honorary members. We rely on stability in Nebraska’s agriculture sector, and LR378CA guarantees the rights of citizens and residents to engage in farming and ranching, free from future adverse legislative activity.

Thank you, and we urge you to unanimously advance LR378CA to General File.

Yours very truly,
Scott Merritt
Nebraska Agri-Business Association